Meet the Director – Janice Horner of The Horner School of English

Meet the Director – Janice Horner of The Horner School of English

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind starting your language centre?

The Horner School of English emerged from our family’s rich history in language education. With our mother, Patricia Horner, being General Manager and Director of a prominent language school in Ireland for over two decades, David, Trevor and I grew up deeply immersed in the industry, gaining invaluable experience in various roles. Recognizing a need for a more personalized approach to language education, we took the bold step of founding our own school in 1993. All five of us – Colin, Patricia, David, Trevor and I started the business in September 1993, operating our office out of our parents’ living room with two pc’s and a fax! In January 1994, we opened our School on Fitzwilliam Street Upper, starting with 6 classrooms.

Despite our humble beginnings, we understood the need to prioritize high quality education and service. We were dedicated to delivering exceptional teaching but we had limited resources, utilising very basic tools like presentation boards and cassette recorders (in the early 90’s this was the best classroom equipment available!).

Our early marketing efforts took us to Japan, Korea, and Europe, laying the foundations for our student enrolment. By the summer of ’94, we had expanded our programs to cater to both adults and juniors, further solidifying our presence in the market. Our success was a result of hard work, long hours, and a genuine commitment to providing an outstanding experience for our students. Today, that same commitment to quality and hands-on involvement remains central to our school’s ethos. David, Trevor, and I continue to lead with a focus on collaboration and democratic decision-making within our team, driving our ongoing success.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting your business and how did you overcome them?

Launching in the 1990s brought its fair share of issues, especially opening during a recession – a move that raised more than a few eyebrows in the industry. Our journey kicked off with the daunting tasks of finding suitable premises and getting them into shape for business. planning and designing our first brochure presented its own set of challenges, particularly since we lacked any original photographic material. Back then, without websites or social media platforms, our brochure was the main vehicle for showcasing what we had to offer. It was our virtual shop window, providing a glimpse into our courses, clientele, and quality standards.

Marketing and promotion were difficult at first, with no websites, social media accounts, or email, we needed to lean heavily on traditional methods. Picture us embarking on marathon marketing trips armed with suitcases overflowing with brochures. Along the way, we would lighten our load by shedding a suitcase or two, quite literally. And then there was the big task of building a reliable network of quality host families, a vital part of the offer, given the importance of host family accommodation in ’90s Ireland. We firmly believed that personally selecting our host families and getting to know each and every one of them, was the secret sauce for developing our reputation. Establishing a roster of dependable host families was paramount, alongside recruiting passionate, skilled, and fully qualified native English-speaking teachers who shared our goals and educational ethos. In essence, those early days were all about laying the groundwork for our vision, navigating challenges with grit, and a friendly smile, of course.

How has your centre evolved since its inception?

In recent times, we’ve witnessed remarkable changes in how we promote our programs and accommodate our students, thanks to advancements in technology and a growing array of options. Gone are the days of extensive marketing trips, replaced by the convenience of virtual meetings through platforms like Zoom. While we still cherish the face-to-face interactions and try to maintain our presence in overseas partner offices, virtual meetings have begun to amend our approach, it is now easier than ever to connect with partners and clients without the need for constant travel.

Our accommodation offerings have also evolved significantly. Alongside our traditional host families, we’ve expanded our partnerships to include international student residences. This broader range of accommodation options allows us to cater to ever changing student needs, we now offer everything from a self-catering single room with private bathroom to shared apartments in lively student communities.

Despite these changes, we remain steadfast in our commitment to our core values. We continue to personally inspect all host families, believing that this hands-on approach is crucial for fostering strong relationships and ensuring the best possible experience for our students. By understanding each family’s unique qualities and the needs of our students, we can provide more tailored solutions and valuable insights into the design and delivery of the service.

Recently, our course offerings have expanded to include Erasmus Plus programs, which have gained traction following the UK’s Brexit. This expansion has opened up exciting new opportunities for international collaboration, enriching our educational offerings and providing students and partners with even more avenues for growth.

In essence, while we embrace technological advancements and adapt to ever changing industry trends, we also try to stick to the basic principles, by offering a high quality, personalized service, and keeping personal connections at the heart of everything we do.

What values or principles guide your company’s operations?

At the core of our company’s operations lies a commitment to providing quality experiences for our students. Since our inception in 1993, our primary goal has been to offer a comprehensive package characterized by meticulous attention to detail. Quality isn’t just a value we uphold—it’s our guiding principle. We go above and beyond to ensure that each student receives personalized attention and care throughout their journey with us. This dedication begins from the moment we receive an inquiry. We take the time to ask questions, understanding any special needs or preferences our students may have. For instance, just yesterday, we received an inquiry from a Spanish lady in her 50s looking for accommodation close to our school. While our preferred residence was fully booked for her desired dates, we transparently offered an alternative option, albeit further away, with a tram commute to school. We believe in honesty and openness, ensuring that our students have all the information they need to make informed decisions.

This commitment to transparency often extends to our communication practices as well. We prioritize quick and efficient responses, allowing our students the opportunity to finalize their plans promptly. Whether it’s securing a flight deal or arranging time off from work or university, we understand the importance of timely communication in facilitating our students’ needs. In essence, our values of quality, attention to detail, honesty, transparency, and prompt communication underscore every aspect of our operation. We strive to create an environment where our students feel supported, informed, and empowered to make the most of their educational journey with us.

How do you maintain a strong company culture with a focus on quality?

From the moment we receive an inquiry or booking, our focus is on ensuring accurate assessment and meeting the client expectations through clear and transparent communication. Occasionally, this may mean advising a client that our centre may not be the best fit for their needs, a decision we make with their best interests in mind. Our dedication to personalized service resonates with our clients, with the majority appreciating our honest approach.
Regular meetings within the administration and teaching teams, along with feedback sessions, including first-week and end-of-course questionnaires, are essential for maintaining quality standards. We meticulously review feedback, addressing any concerns promptly to ensure continuous improvement. Our proactive approach ensures that every aspect of our clients’ experience, from teaching to accommodation, is of the highest standard.

How do you foster collaboration and teamwork within your company?

Fostering collaboration and teamwork is integral to our company culture. David, Trevor, and I are fully integrated into the administration team, we share communal offices which we believe fosters a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration. We ensure that every team member is fully equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles. For instance, those working in our bookings and accommodations office receive a comprehensive 360-degree training experience. From handling inquiries to processing bookings and arranging accommodations, they gain hands-on exposure to every aspect of our operations. We prioritize team involvement in activities like inspecting host families, where my colleagues have the opportunity to meet and understand the families we work with. Recently, I was thrilled to recruit two new, exceptional host families during one of these inspections with my colleague—an incredibly productive use of our time.

Once our team members are fully trained, they begin to take on more responsibilities, such as quoting for specialized programs like group programmes & Erasmus+. They collaborate closely with our Director of Studies to design tailored curriculums, ensuring that every client’s needs are met with precision and expertise. We believe in empowering our team members to grow and evolve in their roles. Rather than pigeonholing them only into specific areas or tasks, we challenge them to expand their skills and embrace variety in their work. This approach not only keeps our team engaged and motivated but also ensures that we consistently deliver on our promises to our clients. When our team members represent us in marketing events, they understand the importance of upholding our commitments. Whether it’s providing 24-hour support or guaranteeing a smooth airport arrival experience, they stand by our pledge to deliver exceptional service. Ultimately, our success is built on the dedication and professionalism of our team members, each of whom plays a crucial role in upholding our standards of excellence and ensuring that every client receives the highest level of service possible.

How do you incorporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility within your company?

One example from last year, was when we undertook a significant renovation to upgrade all the sash windows in our school, Our main school building is a historic Georgian House built in the 1790 -1800 period and protected under Irish conservation law. Despite the constraints, we tackled this project to protect the original structure of the windows but also to enhance the heat retention and the energy efficiency. It was important to consider both comfort and sustainability in that particular project.

Additionally, our response to the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a marked reduction in paper usage within the school. We have been making more and more use of digital alternatives like Google Classroom for the delivery of class assignments and homework throughout the school. We are also proud to say that all students now do their pre-course level testing using our online testing systems. Every student completes a grading test online which is then followed by a personalised evaluation of their speaking and listening skills, this is done prior to arrival, using video conferencing systems.

Our digital transition also now extends to the feedback and questionnaires system which are now online hosted in the cloud. This allows us to more easily prepare reports on student feedback. This shift to digital systems does enhance communication, team connectivity and operational efficiency, facilitating collaboration. To further our sustainability goals, we’ve introduced a dishwasher in our coffee room, promoting reusable utensils and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility among students. Looking ahead, we’re exploring initiatives like solar panel installation for electricity generation. Feasibility assessments are underway to ensure alignment with our building structure and power supply. In essence, our commitment to environmental sustainability informs our operational practices and future endeavours. We’re dedicated to finding innovative solutions that enhance our facilities while upholding our values of responsible stewardship and community engagement.

What do you personally consider to be the benefits and opportunities from Erasmus + for participants and institutions?

Our approach to professional development centres on boosting individuals’ confidence in using English proficiently in their roles. Whether handling administrative tasks or leading classroom sessions, improved English skills lead to greater confidence and effectiveness. For administrative staff, this means refining written communication, email etiquette, telephone skills, and presentations. We provide comprehensive training to develop these skills and instil confidence in using them naturally in English. Similarly, educators receive support in curriculum design and teaching strategies tailored to diverse student abilities. We equip teachers with resources and online tools to engage students effectively, fostering an inclusive learning environment. Our focus extends to cultivating confidence and readiness to apply knowledge in real-world situations, recognizing the short durations of our programs. We prioritize building confidence within limited timeframes. In essence, we aim to empower individuals to navigate professional challenges with proficiency and ease. Through tailored training and ongoing support, we ensure participants leave equipped to excel in their roles.

What can participants hope to achieve by attending Erasmus Plus professional development course at The Horner School of English?

A key aspect of our professional development approach is bolstering individuals’ confidence in using English effectively within their respective roles. Whether they’re navigating administrative tasks or leading classroom sessions, enhancing English proficiency translates to greater confidence and competence in professional delivery. For those in administrative roles, this often involves refining written communication, email etiquette, telephone skills, and presentation abilities. We offer comprehensive training to develop these skills and instil the confidence to apply them naturally in English-speaking contexts.
Similarly, for educators, we provide support in curriculum design and teaching strategies tailored to diverse student abilities. We equip teachers with a range of resources, techniques, and online tools to effectively engage students at different levels, ensuring an inclusive learning environment. Our focus extends beyond skill development to cultivating a sense of confidence and readiness to apply newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios. Recognizing that many Erasmus + participants enrol in our programs for short durations, often just one or two weeks, we prioritize building confidence and core skills, within limited timeframes. In essence, our aim is to empower individuals to navigate professional challenges with ease and proficiency, arming them with the tools and confidence needed to excel in their respective roles. Through tailored training, ongoing support, and a focus on practical application, we ensure that every participant leaves our programs equipped to thrive in their professional endeavours.

Looking ahead what are your goals and aspirations for the future of your business?

As we look ahead to the future of our business, our foremost goal is to maintain the exceptional level of service that defines us. We pride ourselves on our open-door policy, welcoming students into our office with warm greetings and friendly exchanges—whether it’s a simple “hello,” a cheerful “good morning,” or a celebratory “it’s Friday!” Building and nurturing these client relationships is deeply fulfilling, and we’re committed to preserving this personal touch as we move forward. We envision our business continuing to thrive by embracing new opportunities, such as the exciting Erasmus initiative—a journey that promises growth and exploration. Additionally, we’re eager to expand our reach into new markets. It’s remarkable to reflect on how Ireland has transformed from a primarily European summer destination in the early ’90s to a global hub attracting students from all corners of the world. While European students still comprise a significant portion of our clientele, we’re thrilled to welcome individuals from diverse countries like Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, China, Chile, Mexico, Brazil and other South American countries. This international diversity enriches our community and fuels our passion for what we do. Moving forward, we’re committed to maintaining a steady course, delivering the same high-quality service that has become our hallmark. Our business isn’t just a profession—it’s a way of life that we cherish and enjoy every day. With this mindset, we’re poised to embrace the future with enthusiasm and confidence.

Learn more about The Horner School of English, Dublin
